Senior .Net developer

Senior .Net developer

Pieredzējis (+5 gadu pieredze)
Vilnius, Lietuva 2500 €/mēnesī Pieejams tagad

Būtiskākā pieredze

Ajax | MSSQL | CSS3 | JSon | XML | XSLT | HTML5 | JavaScript | DB Architecture | C# | REST | SQL | HTML | Rest API | SQL | Scrum | Agile | Git | Jira | C# | .Net | ASP.Net | OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) | SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) | IoC and Dependency Injection | .Net & SQL | ORM | RESTful | MVC | Visual Studio | Unit Testing | Confluence

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Reklāma, IT uzņēmums, Ražošana, E-komercija, Valsts sektors, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums


Atrašanās vieta
Vilnius only
Vēlamā likme
Projekta uzdevums: 20 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 2500 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss
Pieejams tagad

Sevis apraksts

I have more than 10 years of working experience as a software developer, able to work with frontend or backend. Organised, methodical, responsible, punctual, communicative and diligent person, able to work in a team or independently, fully committed to the company and team goals.

I'm looking for .net developer or full stack developer job oppurtunity.

Prasmju kopums

Ajax 5-6 years CSS3 5-6 years JSon 5-6 years XML 5-6 years XSLT 5-6 years HTML5 5-6 years REST 5-6 years HTML 5-6 years Bootstrap 2-3 years SOAP 1-2 years SASS 1-2 years LESS 1-2 years Amazon Web Services 1-2 years
Scrum 5-6 years Agile 5-6 years OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) 5-6 years SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) 5-6 years XP (Extreme Programming) 2-3 years CI (Continuous Integration) 2-3 years Kanban 2-3 years SAFe 2-3 years Continuous Delivery 2-3 years Waterfall 1-2 years TDD (Test-Driven Development) 1-2 years
Git 5-6 years Jira 5-6 years Visual Studio 5-6 years Confluence 5-6 years UML 3-4 years Team City 2-3 years Sonar 2-3 years
C# 5-6 years .Net 5-6 years ASP.Net 5-6 years IoC and Dependency Injection 5-6 years .Net & SQL 5-6 years ORM 5-6 years RESTful 5-6 years MVC 5-6 years PowerShell 4-5 years Razor 2-3 years NServiceBus 2-3 years MSMQ 2-3 years WCF 1-2 years Azure 1-2 years WPF 0-1 year
MSSQL 5-6 years DB Architecture 5-6 years SQL 5-6 years TSQL 3-4 years MySQL 2-3 years NoSQL 2-3 years RavenDB 2-3 years SQLite 1-2 years SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 1-2 years Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 1-2 years Redis 0-1 year
JavaScript 5-6 years C# 5-6 years SQL 5-6 years Python 1-2 years PHP 1-2 years VBScript (Visual Basic Script) 1-2 years Java 0-1 year C++ 0-1 year C 0-1 year
Rest API 5-6 years JQuery 4-5 years Angular.js 1-2 years TypeScript 1-2 years
Solution Architecture 1-2 years Team Leading 1-2 years Infrastructure Architecture 1-2 years Application Architecture 1-2 years Applications Integration 1-2 years SOA 1-2 years Data Modeling 1-2 years Data Migration 1-2 years System Architecture 1-2 years Enterprise Architecture 1-2 years Systems Integration 1-2 years SaaS (Software as a Service) 1-2 years
Unit Testing 5-6 years Performance Testing 1-2 years Selenium 0-1 year
Amazon Web Services 1-2 years RabbitMQ 1-2 years ElasticSearch 0-1 year Lucene 0-1 year Microsoft SSIS/SSRS 0-1 year Docker 0-1 year

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