Java software engineer / Mid level web developer

Java software engineer / Mid level web developer

Vyresnysis (2-4 metų patirtis)
6% atsakoma į užklausas
Vilnius, Lietuva 1200 €/Mėn. Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui

Didžiausia patirtis

Agile | J2EE | Java

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Bankas ir Finansai, Draudimas, E-Komercija


Tik Nuotoliniu būdu
Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte: 20 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 1200 €/Mėn.
Darbinis statusas
Atvira(-a) pasiūlymui

Apie Mane

I am an experienced 27 years old Java / web developer who has a bachelor degree of engineering informatics. I have started my career as a Java developer during my third course of the university. Right now, I have two years of experience working with J2EE technologies and website development.

Right after my studies at the university I have decided to spend most of my free time by learning new programming languages, developing my technical, personal skills, so I came up with an idea of starting my own web project which would help me to grow as a developer even faster. So as a result of one year of hard working till midnight every day now I have fully functioning, continuously growing web project/platform, which is starting to have a major impact to the educational facilities events organisation.

Despite of my tightly scheduled routine, I always try to read something useful like books, tutorials, articles related to the IT and new modern technologies. Also I am trying to spend at least 1 hour a day by exercising, playing volleyball or going to the gym to always be in a good shape. Physical activities also help me to clear my mind or to decrease the stress level. Physical activities also helps me to make a better connections with other people. It is easy for me to organize a sport event or a basketball/volleyball training for my teammates or other office colleagues.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Java 3-4 metai PHP 1-2 metai JavaScript iki metų
Agile 3-4 metai Sprint 2-3 metai Scrum 2-3 metai OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) 2-3 metai TDD (Test-Driven Development) iki metų
J2EE 3-4 metai Java 8 2-3 metai Maven 2-3 metai Java EE 2-3 metai Java SE 2-3 metai JSF 1-2 metai JSP 1-2 metai Spring 1-2 metai Hibernate 1-2 metai JDBC 1-2 metai LOG4J 1-2 metai SLF4J 1-2 metai PrimeFaces 1-2 metai EJB 1-2 metai Spring MVC 1-2 metai JAXB iki metų Servlets iki metų Java Message Service (JMS) iki metų
MySQL 2-3 metai HSQL 1-2 metai Oracle PL/SQL 1-2 metai MSSQL iki metų
Requirements Gathering 1-2 metai
WordPress 1-2 metai Joomla 1-2 metai PrestaShop 1-2 metai Open Cart 1-2 metai yii2 1-2 metai Symfony iki metų Laravel iki metų
JUnit 2-3 metai Mockito 2-3 metai SoapUI 1-2 metai Selenium 1-2 metai Manual Testing 1-2 metai Integration Test 1-2 metai Exploratory Testing 1-2 metai Functional Testing 1-2 metai Unit Testing 1-2 metai Acceptance Testing 1-2 metai
CSS3 1-2 metai XML 1-2 metai XSLT 1-2 metai HTML5 1-2 metai SOAP 1-2 metai HTML 1-2 metai Ajax iki metų Bootstrap iki metų
Jetty 1-2 metai Websphere MQ 1-2 metai Websphere Admin 1-2 metai IBM Websphere 1-2 metai JBoss iki metų Websphere MB iki metų GlassFish iki metų
Programuotojas(-a) 3-4 metai Scrum Master 2-3 metai
Anglų Proficient Business Level (C1/C2) Lietuvių Laisvai Bendrauju (C1/C2)
Vidurinė mokykla Gautas diplomas Bakalauras IT srityje Gautas diplomas

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