Business Data - DWH/SQL/BI - Navision - Head of IT

Business Data - DWH/SQL/BI - Navision - Head of IT

Patyręs (+5 metų patirtis)
13% atsakoma į užklausas
Kaunas, Lietuva 2500 €/Mėn. Laisvas(-a) šiuo metu

Didžiausia patirtis

MS Navision | SQL | Data Warehouse | SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Gamyba, IT Įmonė


Tik Lietuva
Atlygio Rėžiai (po mokesčių)
Darbas Projekte: 35 €/h,
Pastovus darbas: 2500 €/Mėn.
Darbinis statusas
Laisvas(-a) šiuo metu

Apie Mane

As a candidate, I am unique in that I have become a programmer, project manager and Information systems sales manager. Last 5 years in Client side as Head of IT. The accumulated experience allows me to avoid a lot of mistakes that arise when implementing IT projects or realizing IT-related changes. 

  • I am communicative - a team man. I take the initiative and not afraid of responsibility. I can independently assess the situation, analyze the factors involved and suggest possible solutions to the problem. I feel well in an uncertain situation when there seems to be no decision, or all decisions are bad. I am the one who takes the initiative and is not afraid to present my opinion and find a non-standard solution.
  • I can integrate IT into enterprise business processes. My main tools are to motivate my (your) team, to use the suppliers (resources) correctly and in a timely manner, and to correctly incorporate the beneficiaries of the change.
  • I have an understanding and knowledge about optimizing cost of production, warehouse management, sales analysis using the Navision Information System and the data it collects. I am using SSAS, OLAP, SSIS, SharePoint, Microsoft CRM.

My passion is to work in a friendly team, where I could be responsible for the project / product development and its support. Organize the progress of the project, adjust the technical requirements, solve the problems that are encountered. Participate in requirements analysis and design technical IT solutions. The most interesting business analytics, solving complex business issues, solving them based on business management system data.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

MS Navision 3-4 metai
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) 2-3 metai
Data Analysis 2-3 metai Data Modeling 2-3 metai Database Design 2-3 metai Dimensional Data modeling 2-3 metai QA management 2-3 metai Power BI iki metų
SQL 3-4 metai Data Warehouse 3-4 metai SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 3-4 metai Oracle PL/SQL 1-2 metai Oracle DB 1-2 metai Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 1-2 metai
Windows Servers 1-2 metai Active Directory 1-2 metai Virtualization 1-2 metai Data Storage & Backups 1-2 metai HyperV 1-2 metai
Programinės Įrangos Pardavimai 1-2 metai
Office 365 iki metų
Programuotojas(-a) 2-3 metai Business Intelligence Consultant 2-3 metai Data Warehouse Consultant 2-3 metai Data Analyst 2-3 metai Architektas(-ė) 1-2 metai IT Analyst 1-2 metai Projektų Vadovas(-ė) 1-2 metai
Vidurinė mokykla Gautas diplomas Bakalauras IT srityje Gautas diplomas
Lietuvių Gimtoji Anglų Basic User (A1/A2) Rusų Обычный Пользователь (A1/A2) Vokiečių Einfacher Benutzer (A1/A2)

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