Test Automation Engineer

Test Automation Engineer

Eksperts (+10 gadu pieredze)
3000 €/mēnesī Apspriežams

Būtiskākā pieredze


Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Mazumtirdzniecība, IT uzņēmums, Bankas un finanses


Atrašanās vieta
Savā valstī only
Vēlamā likme
Projekta uzdevums: 35 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 3000 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss

Sevis apraksts

• Strong knowledge in designing and implementing automated UI and API level test scripts

• Experience in test automation framework concepts and technologies

• Experience in designing and execution manual test scripts for WEB, mobile and desktop applications

• Strong knowledge C# .Net in the scope required for automated test implementation

• Experience in developing Test Automation Framework using Java

• Experience in developing Test Automation Framework using Phyton

• Experience in developing performance tests using JMeter

• Knowledge of SQL queries

• Excellent communication, analysis, and problem solving skills

Prasmju kopums

Selenium +6 years
Python 3-4 years Groovy 3-4 years
C# 3-4 years
Jenkins 2-3 years

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