Software Developer

Software Developer

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Norvēģija 4000 €/mēnesī Apspriežams

Būtiskākā pieredze

Agile | HTML5 | SQL | HTML | SQL | WebServices | Software | Software Development | Web Development/programming

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses, IT uzņēmums, Ražošana, E-komercija, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums


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Attālināti only
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Projekta uzdevums: 15 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 4000 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss

Sevis apraksts

I'm Software Developer with a BSc. in Industrial and Production Engineering. I am proficient in JavaScript, React, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, SQL, Python, and many more.

I have half a decade of experience working in with teams in the tech community, college and few industries with focus on research, innovation and tailoring projects to scale, I have developed significant communication skills, as well as problem-solving, creativity and organizational skills.

I am passionate about the global benefits of creativity and technological growth. I use my skills and experience to create progressive products to contribute to this growth.

Prasmju kopums

HTML5 3-4 years HTML 3-4 years Ajax 2-3 years CSS3 2-3 years LESS 2-3 years REST 2-3 years JSon 1-2 years XML 1-2 years DJango 1-2 years SASS 1-2 years GraphQL 1-2 years Bootstrap 0-1 year Amazon Web Services 0-1 year
SQL 3-4 years Python 2-3 years JavaScript 2-3 years Bash 0-1 year
Node.js 2-3 years React.js 2-3 years Rest API 2-3 years Redux 2-3 years TypeScript 0-1 year
Mobile UI 2-3 years
AutoCAD 2-3 years Web Design 2-3 years Wireframing 1-2 years Sketch 1-2 years AutoDesk AutoCad 1-2 years
WebServices 3-4 years Software 3-4 years Documentation 2-3 years HTTP 2-3 years API Design 2-3 years OAuth 1-2 years Technical Documentation 1-2 years Deployment 1-2 years Cloud 0-1 year CI/CD 0-1 year
SQL 3-4 years SQLite 2-3 years PostgreSQL 2-3 years DB Architecture 2-3 years Progress DB 2-3 years Mongo DB 1-2 years MySQL 1-2 years NoSQL 1-2 years Google Cloud 0-1 year
Agile 3-4 years OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) 2-3 years Sprint 2-3 years Lean 2-3 years CI (Continuous Integration) 1-2 years TDD (Test-Driven Development) 1-2 years Scrum 0-1 year XP (Extreme Programming) 0-1 year Waterfall 0-1 year Continuous Delivery 0-1 year
Git 2-3 years Ant 0-1 year Jira 0-1 year Webpack 0-1 year Babel 0-1 year
Amazon Web Services 0-1 year
Unit Testing 1-2 years Testing 1-2 years Testing Methodologies & Tools 1-2 years Performance Testing 0-1 year Functional Testing 0-1 year
Software Development 3-4 years Web Development/programming 3-4 years Implementation 2-3 years Front End Development 2-3 years Back-end development 2-3 years Single Page Application (SPA) 2-3 years Deployment 1-2 years Cloud computing 1-2 years Middleware 1-2 years Algorithms 1-2 years Solution Architecture 0-1 year Data Analysis 0-1 year Application Architecture 0-1 year DevOps 0-1 year Identity Access Management (IAM) 0-1 year SaaS (Software as a Service) 0-1 year Software Architect 0-1 year
Firewalls 0-1 year Load Balancing 0-1 year
SAP in general 0-1 year
Data analysis
Google Analytics 0-1 year
English Native
Engineer 3-4 years Developer 2-3 years Full-stack developer 2-3 years Software developer 2-3 years Software Engineer 2-3 years
Bank & Finance 2-3 years eCommerce 2-3 years IT Company 2-3 years Production 1-2 years
Bachelors degree in IT Graduated
Mind-blowing Projects + + Inspirational Leadership + + Culture of Experiments +

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