Senior Frontend Engineer | React.js | Node.js | Typescript | Javascript

Senior Frontend Engineer | React.js | Node.js | Typescript | Javascript

Pieredzējis (+5 gadu pieredze)
8000 €/mēnesī Apspriežams

Būtiskākā pieredze

Front End Development | JavaScript

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums, IT uzņēmums, Bankas un finanses


Atrašanās vieta
Attālināti only
Vēlamā likme
Projekta uzdevums: 50 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 8000 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss

Sevis apraksts

I am a senior frontend developer with almost 10 years of experience crafting web and mobile applications, deeply passionate about the JavaScript ecosystem.

Currently, my favourite tools for the job are React.js and Node.js. I also enjoy incorporating Typescript when project size demands it.

While I excel in frontend web development, I enjoy editing backend Node.js code too!

Outside of creating React.js apps professionally, I work on side projects or occasionally teach a class on software engineering basics.

Prasmju kopums

Front End Development +6 years
JavaScript +6 years
React.js 5-6 years TypeScript 4-5 years Node.js 3-4 years
Cypress 2-3 years

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