Javascript Software Engineer

Javascript Software Engineer

Pieredzējis (+5 gadu pieredze)
Vilnius, Lietuva 6000 €/mēnesī Apspriežams

Būtiskākā pieredze

React.js | Node.js

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses, IT uzņēmums, E-komercija


Atrašanās vieta
Attālināti only
Vēlamā likme
Projekta uzdevums: 45 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 6000 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss

Sevis apraksts

I am a full-stack JavaScript software engineer with a strong focus on frontend development, backed by 6 years of experience working on diverse projects. My expertise lies in React, Next.js, Redux, and Node.js, complemented by backend skills in Express and cloud services like AWS. I have a proven track record of working with large teams and have taken on leadership roles, guiding projects to successful completion. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering, I am committed to developing clean, scalable code and delivering high-quality user experiences.

In my free time, I enjoy working on personal projects, including an AI-enabled student dashboard and an image generation web app, showcasing my passion for innovation and staying at the forefront of technology.

Prasmju kopums

React.js 5-6 years Node.js 5-6 years Express.js 4-5 years Redux 4-5 years
MySQL 4-5 years Mongo DB 4-5 years
WordPress 4-5 years
Functional Testing 3-4 years Integration Test 3-4 years Unit Testing 3-4 years
PHP 3-4 years

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