Graphic Designer | Digital Illustrator | Game Designer

Graphic Designer | Digital Illustrator | Game Designer

jaunais speciālists (1-2 gadu pieredze)
800 €/mēnesī Pieejams tagad

Būtiskākā pieredze

Interaction/Graphic Design

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Nav norādīts, E-komercija, Spēļu izstrāde


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Projekta uzdevums: 0 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 800 €/mēnesī
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Pieejams tagad

Sevis apraksts

I am a hard-working beginning graphic designer who has been consistently praised as creative, quality-oriented by my co-workers and customers. At this moment I am working as freelance designer. Over the course of my short career, I've developed a skillset directly relevant to the Graphic Designer role you are hiring for, including videos and photos editing.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you so

Sincerely, Milda Kuzaitė

Prasmju kopums

Interaction/Graphic Design 0-1 year

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