Front end web developer
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Projekta uzdevums:
35 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 3500 €/mēnesī
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Sevis apraksts
Front end developer, master degree in computer science, with 12+ years of professional development. I'm self-motivated with strong self-management skills who works well independently as well as collaborate with other team members. Strong analytical and problem solving skills, fluent in English, Russian and Lithuanian.
- Extensive experience with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Good knowledge of frontend architecture, PWA, SPA, RWD and the latest technology industry trends.
- Experience with JS frameworks React, Preact, Knockout, vanillaJS, state management library Redux, build systems Webpack, Gulp, Grunt, source control tools GIT, module loaders RequireJS, SystemJS, RESTful Web Services, ES2015 (ES6), Babel, AJAX, JSON, hyperHTML, jQuery and jQuery UI.
- Working experience with CSS processors SASS, LESS, PostCSS, architecture systems ITCSS, OOCSS, SMACSS, ACSS, BEM, Bootstrap, Material Design, UX / UI, User-Centered Design.
- Fluent in client-side resources optimization techniques, like minimization, bundling, deferred loading etc. Frontend performance metric tools, PRPL and RAIL Model.
- Knowledge of unit, functional and integration testing (e.g. Mocha, Chai, WebdriverIO).
- Experience with animation and SVG manipulation libraries GSAP, D3.js, C3.js.
- Graphic editing tools Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Fireworks.
- Familiarity with PHP, SQL and Smarty template engine.
- Experience with Agile methodologies, issue tracking tools (e.g. JIRA) and tools like Continuous Integration, automation, etc.
- Knowledge of SEO best practices, search-engine friendly code and tooling.