CTO (FinTech)

CTO (FinTech)

Eksperts (+10 gadu pieredze)
100% response rate
Riga, Latvija 6700 €/mēnesī Apspriežams

Būtiskākā pieredze

Agile | Security Architecture | Rest API | IT Security | Technical Documentation | Software Architect | Back-end development | IOS | Android | Backup and Recovery | Release Manager/management | Security Testing | Scrum

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses, Telekomunikācija, IT uzņēmums, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums, Spēļu izstrāde, E-komercija


Atrašanās vieta
Attālināti only
Vēlamā likme
Projekta uzdevums: 92 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 6700 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss

Sevis apraksts

My professional experience includes over 20 years’ of information services and applications development. It includes working for banks, global digital lending companies, software development companies and digital media agencies:

  • Team Leadership;
  • Strategic Orientation;
  • Global expansion for FinTech projects to EU and international markets;
  • More than 13 years in banking and finance industries;
  • Efficient IT Development and IT Operations strategy planning and implementation for international financial services companies;
  • Efficient organization skills in team building, team motivation and project management;
  • Efficient strategy execution for scale-up stage start-ups;

Prasmju kopums

Agile +6 years Scrum +6 years
Rest API +6 years
Technical Documentation +6 years
IOS +6 years Android +6 years
Security Testing +6 years
Amazon Web Services 5-6 years
Security Architecture +6 years IT Security +6 years Software Architect +6 years Back-end development +6 years Backup and Recovery +6 years Release Manager/management +6 years Solution Architecture 5-6 years Business Analysis 5-6 years IT Service Management 5-6 years
Azure 3-4 years
Team Lead +6 years Product Owner +6 years

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