Data Engineer

Data Engineer

Pieredzējis (+5 gadu pieredze)
Vilnius, Lietuva 2000 €/mēnesī Pieejams tagad

Būtiskākā pieredze

Web Development/programming | Software Architecture | Data Warehouse | Hardware Assembling | Qlikview | Corel Draw | TFS | Oracle DB | Mail API | PostgreSQL | C+ Mobile | Solution Management | Oracle 11g | System Development | Application Management | Storage Area Networks (SAN) | Ansible | Adobe Illustrator | Unity3D | Sybase | JSP | SQLite

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums, IT uzņēmums


Atrašanās vieta
Eiropas Savienība only
Vēlamā likme
Projekta uzdevums: 30 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 2000 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss
Pieejams tagad

Sevis apraksts

A result oriented technocrat with IT experience of around 7 years who is always willing to learn and grow together. Profound knowledge about Software Development Environment substantial talent in achieving critical solutions.

Extensive experience with analysis, design, development and implementation of Business Applications using Snowflake, Oracle RDBMS, PLSQL, MSSQL, TSQL, SSIS, ETL(Extract, Transform, Load) and proficient in SQL.

Hands on Experience in Slowly change dimension (SCD2) with history change data capture (CDC) and stream, tasks.

Created Row Level Security in huge data loading from Aws/azure/GCP cloud to snowflake with help of snow pipe and gathered knowledge of data fail safe recovery, time travel, cloning, sharing etc.

Working Experience in writing and tuning complex queries, views, constraints, sequences, stored procedures, functions & triggers and also developed PL/SQL programs which were meant to retrieve bulk data/sometimes unknown volume data with Exception Handling. Proficient in analyzing and translating business requirements to technical requirements and architecture and manage end to end complex data migration, data transformation and data modeling with strong debugging capabilities and client handling skills and proven experience.

Experience in handling the full life cycle of Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) projects and

Microsoft SQL Server Agent Job server & SSIS DB Catalog (deployment, scheduling, monitoring).

Troubleshooting & bug fixing of SSIS packages & jobs.

Worked as part of Agile Organization. Working experience with Test Driven Development and also worked with waterfall methodology.

Provided KT to junior team members, assign them work and assist them to complete their assignments.

Technology Stack :

Data Warehouse: Snowflake

Databases: MS SQL, Oracle PLSQL


Programming Language: Core Java


Cloud: Basic knowledge on AWS, Azure, GCP

Version Control : Git, Filezilla

Ticketing Tool: Jira, Trello

Operating System: Windows, Linux.

IDE: Visual Studio, IntelliJ

CI-CD Tool: Docker

Domains: Insurance, Reinsurance, Tourism and Education

Prasmju kopums

Web Development/programming 0-1 year Software Architecture 0-1 year Solution Management 0-1 year System Development 0-1 year Application Management 0-1 year
Data Warehouse 0-1 year Oracle DB 0-1 year PostgreSQL 0-1 year Oracle 11g 0-1 year Sybase 0-1 year SQLite 0-1 year
Hardware Assembling 0-1 year Storage Area Networks (SAN) 0-1 year
Qlikview 0-1 year TFS 0-1 year Ansible 0-1 year
Corel Draw 0-1 year Adobe Illustrator 0-1 year
Mail API 0-1 year JSP 0-1 year
C+ Mobile 0-1 year Unity3D 0-1 year
Network Technician 0-1 year Test Automation Architect 0-1 year Project Manager 0-1 year
Exceptional Training +
English Basic User (A1/A2)

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