Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect

Pieredzējis (+5 gadu pieredze)
Vilnius, Lietuva 3500 €/mēnesī Apspriežams

Būtiskākā pieredze

SQL | Business Analysis | Data Warehouse

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses


Atrašanās vieta
Eiropas Savienība only
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Projekta uzdevums: 25 €/h,
Štata darbinieks: 3500 €/mēnesī
Pašreizējais statuss

Sevis apraksts

Experienced Enterprise Architect with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry. Skilled in Business Processes, Data Warehousing, ETL, Data Transformation and System Integration. Strong consulting professional.

Prasmju kopums

SQL 4-5 years VBScript (Visual Basic Script) 3-4 years
Scrum 3-4 years Agile 3-4 years Waterfall 3-4 years
Data Warehouse 4-5 years Teradata 3-4 years DB Architecture 3-4 years Oracle PL/SQL 1-2 years
Jira 2-3 years UML 2-3 years Confluence 1-2 years
Informatica & PowerCenter 2-3 years
Business Analysis 4-5 years Data Analysis 3-4 years Requirements Gathering 3-4 years Requirement Specification 3-4 years Requirments Analysis 3-4 years Database Design 3-4 years Stakeholders Management 2-3 years Data Migration 2-3 years Solution Architecture 2-3 years Support of Systems 2-3 years Data Modeling 2-3 years Data Management 2-3 years Team Leading 1-2 years Enterprise Architecture 1-2 years Application Architecture 1-2 years Applications Integration 1-2 years
Business Analyst 3-4 years Data Warehouse Consultant 3-4 years Developer 2-3 years Product Owner 2-3 years

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