Lead DevOps Enginner

Lead DevOps Enginner

Expert (+10 years exp.)
Vilnius, Lithuania 6000 €/month Open to Discuss

Key experience

Cloud computing

Sector Background

IT Company, Bank&Finance


Remotely only
Rate expectations
Project assignment: 100 €/h,
Full time position: 6000 €/month
Current status
Open to Discuss

Personal Statement

Self-motivated engineer with 10+ years of IT experience who enjoys diving into big projects. my experience includes Development, DevOps, Infrastructure automation and Observability/Monitoring/Logging, People Management

Building Kubenetes platforms for services using Terraform on GCP, Oracle, Azure and AWS.

Proficient in setting up complex CI/CD pipelines from scratch using Gitlab.

Experienced Kubernetes developer and CNCF enthusiast. K8s stack: istio, haproxy, nginx, minio, fluxcd, argocd, portworx, cert-manager, Teleport, external-dns, external-secrets, etc...

Skill Stack

Cloud computing 5-6 years
CI (Continuous Integration) 4-5 years Continuous Delivery 3-4 years
Cloud Architect 1-2 years

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