Web developer

Web developer

Pieredzējis (+5 gadu pieredze)

Apspriežams | Vilnius, Lietuva
Būtiskākā pieredze: HTML | Ubuntu | Scrum | JavaScript | Git | HTML5 | CSS3 | Agile

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses, Telekomunikācija, Reklāma, IT uzņēmums, Apdrošināšana, E-komercija, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums, Mazumtirdzniecība


Atrašanās vieta

Attālināti only

Pašreizējais statuss

Apspriežams (Atjaunināts: 5 years ago)

Sevis apraksts

I'm full-stack software developer with 12 years of experience working as an engineer, freelancer and startups co-founder. During that time I worked in UBER, Blockchain and Python consulting, Ministry of Education of Lithuania, one of biggest (IT oriented) insurance broker company in Baltic states and a few own startups. Mostly I have worked with Python (Plone, Zope, Pyramid, Django), JavaScript/TypeScript(NodeJs, React, Meteor) and Solidity. Also I have played with Elixir, Ruby, Java and C#. As databases I have used MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and MongoDB.

I'm using Linux for more than 15 years and have some Linux administration experience.

Prasmju kopums

HTML +6 years HTML5 +6 years CSS3 +6 years Nginx 5-6 years LESS 3-4 years SASS 3-4 years REST 3-4 years DJango 2-3 years Bootstrap 2-3 years
Ubuntu +6 years Linux/Unix Admin 5-6 years Debian 4-5 years Red Hat 1-2 years
Rest API 4-5 years JQuery 3-4 years Underscore.js 3-4 years React.js 2-3 years Meteor.js 2-3 years TypeScript 1-2 years Handlebars 1-2 years
JavaScript +6 years Python 4-5 years Bash 4-5 years SQL 2-3 years C# 0-1 year
WordPress 3-4 years
Scrum +6 years Agile +6 years TDD (Test-Driven Development) 2-3 years CI (Continuous Integration) 2-3 years XP (Extreme Programming) 1-2 years
Git +6 years Jira 2-3 years Gulp 0-1 year Jenkins 0-1 year
PostgreSQL 3-4 years MySQL 2-3 years Mongo DB 1-2 years Redis 0-1 year
Inkscape 5-6 years Wireframing 4-5 years UX Design 3-4 years Adobe Photoshop 0-1 year Adobe Illustrator 0-1 year Axure 0-1 year