Software development / Font-End developer

Software development / Font-End developer

Vidēja līmeņa (2-4 gadu pieredze)

Strādā | Vilnius, Lietuva
Būtiskākā pieredze: HTML

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

IT uzņēmums, Nav norādīts


Atrašanās vieta

Vilnius only

Pašreizējais statuss

Strādā (Atjaunināts: 5 years ago)

Sevis apraksts

I have worked as a junior front-end developer in leading Lithuanian website development company for 6 months. After that I worked as senior IT specialist in SODRA. I was working with PL/SQL and JAVA to test new developments on existing project. Currently I am working with SAGE X3 ERP system as a programmer. I am motivated and self-learning person, currently learning MERN stack on my free time.

Prasmju kopums

SQL 2-3 years JavaScript 2-3 years PHP 1-2 years C 0-1 year Java 0-1 year C# 0-1 year C++ 0-1 year
HTML 5-6 years XML 2-3 years HTML5 0-1 year CSS3 0-1 year
Adobe Photoshop 0-1 year Web Design 0-1 year