Senior WEB Engineer (Architect/Developer/DevOps)

Senior WEB Engineer (Architect/Developer/DevOps)

Eksperts (+10 gadu pieredze)

Strādā | VIlnius, Lietuva
Būtiskākā pieredze: Linux | SOAP | HTML5 | XSLT | XML | JSon | MySQL | Ajax | Agile | Scrum | Git | JavaScript | Nginx | JQuery | PHP | Ubuntu | Zend | Debian | DB Architecture | IntelliJ IDEA | OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) | TDD (Test-Driven Development) | REST | UML | Solution Architecture | Customer Facing | Team Leading | SQL | Unix script | HTML | Linux/Unix Admin | Security Architecture | Infrastructure Architecture | Application Architecture | Sprint | Test Automation

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses, IT uzņēmums, Telekomunikācija, E-komercija, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums


Atrašanās vieta

Eiropas Savienība only

Pašreizējais statuss

Strādā (Atjaunināts: 7 years ago)

Sevis apraksts

Fullstack WEB development:

  • PHP (Zend Framework2, Symfony, Silex, TDD with PHPUnit, Mockery)
  • Golang, Java
  • Node.js (Express.js, Nunjucks, Sequelize.js, Grunt)
  • Frontend (Backbone, Bootstrap, Underscore, sockets, TDD with with PhantomJS, Mocha, Sinon.js, Chai.js)
  • API services (SOAP, REST, HATEOAS, RabbitMQ)
  • Continuous Delivery (Bamboo, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible automation, Vagrant, Jenkins, Nagios/Zabbix/Datadog monitoring)
  • Servers, DevOps (LAMP, Docker, Vagrant, Bash, Nginx, Apache, Debian, MySQL replication, failover solutions, speed optimization, hands on big data)


Also worked with:

  • Telecommunication technologies (SMS MO/MT, premium SMS, bulk sms, Kannel, GMS modems, Asterisk, WURFL/WALL, XHTML/WAP)


I am man “infected with illness of informational technologies” long time ago. I am analytic, determined, communicative and always full of creative ideas. I am never satisfied with what I already know and always ready to improve my knowledge as well as skills. That is why it is not strange for me to fulfill dedicated task at any price.


I am most appreciated for my analytical skills, quality, object-oriented way of thinking, ability to work tidily and professionally.


I just love solving complex IT tasks, employing advanced technologies, designing and developing systems, which “would change the world” :)

Prasmju kopums

Linux 5-6 years Ubuntu 5-6 years Debian 5-6 years Unix script 5-6 years Linux/Unix Admin 5-6 years
SOAP 5-6 years HTML5 5-6 years XSLT 5-6 years XML 5-6 years JSon 5-6 years Ajax 5-6 years Nginx 5-6 years REST 5-6 years HTML 5-6 years Bootstrap 3-4 years CSS3 3-4 years Amazon Web Services 3-4 years
Agile 5-6 years Scrum 5-6 years OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) 5-6 years TDD (Test-Driven Development) 5-6 years Sprint 5-6 years CI (Continuous Integration) 3-4 years
JavaScript 5-6 years PHP 5-6 years SQL 5-6 years Java 3-4 years Google GO 2-3 years
Solution Architecture 5-6 years Customer Facing 5-6 years Team Leading 5-6 years Security Architecture 5-6 years Infrastructure Architecture 5-6 years Application Architecture 5-6 years DevOps 2-3 years Applications Integration 2-3 years IT Service Management 2-3 years
MySQL 5-6 years DB Architecture 5-6 years SQLite 4-5 years Oracle DB 3-4 years MariaDB 3-4 years Redis 1-2 years
Git 5-6 years IntelliJ IDEA 5-6 years UML 5-6 years LiquiBase 4-5 years PMD 4-5 years Jenkins 4-5 years Subversion 4-5 years Memcached 4-5 years Jira 2-3 years Bamboo 2-3 years Ansible 2-3 years Gulp 1-2 years Grunt 1-2 years
Zend 5-6 years Symfony 4-5 years Magento 1-2 years Laravel 1-2 years
Mobile UI 3-4 years
Amazon Web Services 2-3 years Docker 2-3 years ElasticSearch 1-2 years Lucene 1-2 years RabbitMQ 1-2 years
LOG4J 1-2 years JDBC 1-2 years J2EE 1-2 years Spring MVC 1-2 years JSF 1-2 years Maven 1-2 years
Test Automation 5-6 years Selenium 1-2 years
JQuery 5-6 years Underscore.js 3-4 years Backbone.js 3-4 years Node.js 2-3 years JSHint 1-2 years React.js 0-1 year Angular.js 0-1 year Ember.js 0-1 year
Developer 5-6 years Architect 5-6 years
Bank & Finance 5-6 years Telecommunication 5-6 years IT Company 5-6 years App Development 5-6 years Advertising 3-4 years eCommerce 2-3 years
Lithuanian Gimtoji English Proficient Business Level (C1/C2) Rusų Независимый Пользователь (B1/B2)
High School degree Graduated Bachelors degree in IT Graduated
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