Senior PHP/TYPO3 Developer

Senior PHP/TYPO3 Developer

Eksperts (+10 gadu pieredze)

Apspriežams | Brunswick, Vācija
Būtiskākā pieredze: MySQL | Back-end development | Front End Development | VirtualBox | Linux Servers | PHP | Linux Install & Support | HTML | HTML5 | CSS3

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Reklāma, IT uzņēmums


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Attālināti only

Pašreizējais statuss

Apspriežams (Atjaunināts: 4 months ago)

Sevis apraksts

I'm self employed since 2010 and since 2020 I'm doing my web-development business with my own company TYPOworx GmbH. My main focus is on PHP, TYPO3-CMS, Laravel and Full-Stack as well.

Beside my core-skills in TYPO3-CMS I also have very good skills in PHP and OOP (object-orientated programming). I've sharpened my PHP-Skills with OOP during an excourse-project with C# (C-Sharp) and I was able to adopt many of the strict and interfaced paradigms to my PHP Coding skills. For web-projects that do not perfectly fit in TYPO3-CMS I bring 2 years of Laravel coding skills to fulfil projects that make more sense in stand-alone or maybe a bridge between TYPO3 and Laravel applications. I also have a good set of Dev-Ops Skills with LInux, Apache, NGINX, Docker, Docker-Compose (...) and a basic skillset in Kubernetes (I'm actually looking forward for workshop and certification for kubernetes dev-ops).

I'm a teamplayer and I'm open for projects in a team and as well to do/organize tasks and projects on my own.

My core skills are:

- Backend: TYPO3-CMS, Laravel, PHP-Entwicklung, Datenbanken/MySQL

- Frontend: CSS(3), HTML(5), Bootstrap 3-5, Javascript, jQuery, WebPack, Gulp

And my linux/dev-ops/misc skills are:

- Linux, Docker, Docker Containerisierung (Creation, Modification and Optimisation of Dockerfiles & Docker-Images)

- GIT, GitLab, Gitlab CI

- Continous-Integration and Continous-Development (CI/CD)

- Cloudflare, Reverse-Proxy

- Support/Konfiguration for a lot of Hosting Services (Apache2, NGINX, HA-Proxy, Traefik)

- solid basis-skills in Docker Swarm and Kubernetes

Prasmju kopums

MySQL +6 years Redis 0-1 year
Back-end development +6 years Front End Development +6 years DevOps 2-3 years
VirtualBox +6 years Linux Servers +6 years Linux Install & Support +6 years Load Balancing 1-2 years VMWare 1-2 years
PHP +6 years
HTML +6 years HTML5 +6 years CSS3 +6 years Bootstrap 4-5 years
Docker 3-4 years
Web Design 2-3 years UI/UX 2-3 years Inkscape 0-1 year
Laravel 1-2 years
Full-stack developer +6 years