Senior Java consultant

Senior Java consultant

Pieredzējis (+5 gadu pieredze)

Strādā | Riga, Latvija
Būtiskākā pieredze: MySQL | TomCat | Jetty | XML | SOAP | J2EE | Maven | Spring | Hibernate | JUnit | JDBC | JAXB | Servlets | LOG4J | SLF4J | Git | Jira | Jenkins | LiquiBase | DB Architecture | Apache Camel | REST | UML | SQL | HTML | Applications Integration | SQL | Mockito | Integration Test

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses, Telekomunikācija, IT uzņēmums, Ražošana, Apdrošināšana, Valsts sektors, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums, E-komercija, Mazumtirdzniecība


Atrašanās vieta

Eiropas Savienība only

Pašreizējais statuss

Strādā (Atjaunināts: 8 years ago)

Sevis apraksts

I have more than 10 year IT (professional software design, integration and system development) experience in different industries using various programming languages and technologies. 
Mostly specialized on back-end system development, different integration processes, microservices, DEVops related technologies, remote banking, content management and portal systems.
Good development practices, documenting and presenting architecture, reuse of code and design patterns, profiling and analysis of application performance and also automation of development process for build, code review and test phases.

Prasmju kopums

J2EE 5-6 years Maven 5-6 years Spring 5-6 years Hibernate 5-6 years JDBC 5-6 years JAXB 5-6 years Servlets 5-6 years LOG4J 5-6 years SLF4J 5-6 years Apache Camel 5-6 years Java Message Service (JMS) 4-5 years Aspect 3-4 years Java EE 3-4 years JSF 2-3 years JSP 2-3 years Mail API 2-3 years EJB 2-3 years Java 8 2-3 years Swing 2-3 years Google Guice 2-3 years Facelets 1-2 years Struts 0-1 year
Git 5-6 years Jira 5-6 years Jenkins 5-6 years LiquiBase 5-6 years UML 5-6 years Sonar 4-5 years Eclipse 4-5 years CVS 3-4 years Subversion 3-4 years Ant 2-3 years IntelliJ IDEA 2-3 years CruiseControl 1-2 years Team City 1-2 years Memcached 1-2 years Gulp 0-1 year Grunt 0-1 year
Debian 2-3 years Linux 2-3 years
JUnit 5-6 years Mockito 5-6 years Integration Test 5-6 years SoapUI 2-3 years Selenium 2-3 years JMeter 1-2 years Performance Testing 1-2 years Manual Testing 1-2 years Test Automation 1-2 years
TomCat 5-6 years Jetty 5-6 years Weblogic 3-4 years JBoss 2-3 years Lucene 2-3 years Websphere MQ 1-2 years GlassFish 1-2 years ElasticSearch 1-2 years Oracle SOA 1-2 years
Gerrit 2-3 years
XML 5-6 years SOAP 5-6 years REST 5-6 years HTML 5-6 years XSLT 4-5 years Quartz 4-5 years Nginx 3-4 years Liferay 3-4 years HTML5 2-3 years Ajax 1-2 years Bootstrap 1-2 years CSS3 0-1 year
MySQL 5-6 years DB Architecture 5-6 years SQL 5-6 years NoSQL 4-5 years MSSQL 4-5 years Oracle PL/SQL 4-5 years Oracle DB 4-5 years PostgreSQL 3-4 years Mongo DB 2-3 years HSQL 2-3 years DB2 1-2 years Redis 0-1 year
Applications Integration 5-6 years Application Architecture 4-5 years Security Architecture 3-4 years SOA 3-4 years Data Modeling 3-4 years Data Migration 3-4 years Requirements Gathering 2-3 years DevOps 2-3 years Solution Architecture 1-2 years Team Leading 1-2 years Data Analysis 1-2 years Infrastructure Architecture 1-2 years
Load Balancing 2-3 years Virtualization 1-2 years VirtualBox 1-2 years LDAP 0-1 year
SQL 5-6 years PHP 2-3 years JavaScript 1-2 years Scala 0-1 year Groovy 0-1 year Bash 0-1 year
JQuery 1-2 years Underscore.js 1-2 years TypeScript 0-1 year React.js 0-1 year
Developer 5-6 years SEO Consultant 3-4 years Architect 2-3 years Team Lead 1-2 years Engineer 1-2 years IT Analyst 0-1 year
Bank & Finance 4-5 years Production 3-4 years Telecommunication 3-4 years IT Company 3-4 years App Development 3-4 years Public Sector 1-2 years
Rusų Родной Язык English Proficient Business Level (C1/C2) German Einfacher Benutzer (A1/A2)
High School degree Graduated Bachelors degree in IT Graduated Masters degree in IT Graduated
Culture of Experiments + + + Relocation & Travel + + Mind-blowing Projects + + Overwhelming Team + + Inspirational Leadership + + Career Gateway + + High-End Office + +