Senior database specialist

Senior database specialist

Eksperts (+10 gadu pieredze)

Pieejams tagad | Rīga, Latvija
Būtiskākā pieredze: SQL | Oracle DB | Oracle PL/SQL

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

IT uzņēmums, Bankas un finanses


Atrašanās vieta

Attālināti only

Pašreizējais statuss

Pieejams tagad (Atjaunināts: 4 years ago)

Sevis apraksts

Master of Mathematics degree, experienced programmer, responsible, active, energetic, communicative, independent, but at the same time likes teamwork, honest, efficient, able to adapt to working conditions and, if necessary, innovate.

Prasmju kopums

HTML 4-5 years XML 4-5 years JSon 2-3 years
SQL +6 years Oracle DB +6 years Oracle PL/SQL +6 years TSQL 1-2 years
Subversion 4-5 years Git 1-2 years Jira 1-2 years Oracle APEX 0-1 year