Project manager / Full stack developer

Project manager / Full stack developer

Vidēja līmeņa (2-4 gadu pieredze)

Pieejams tagad | Lietuva
Būtiskākā pieredze: HTML5

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

IT uzņēmums, E-komercija, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums


Atrašanās vieta

Lietuva only

Pašreizējais statuss

Pieejams tagad (Atjaunināts: 7 years ago)

Sevis apraksts

More than 6 years experience in programming with different languages. 1 year of experience working in international tech company as Full stack developer and almost 2 years of experience working international web development company as project manager and developer. I am still working as freelancer in my spare time.

I am talkative, social active and highly motivated person, always looking for new challenges.

You are always welcome to contact me and we can meet up for cup of coffee to have a small talk!

Prasmju kopums

PHP 3-4 years SQL 3-4 years JavaScript 2-3 years Java 1-2 years C# 1-2 years Ruby on Rails 0-1 year C++ 0-1 year C 0-1 year iOS Swift 0-1 year
Linux 1-2 years Debian 1-2 years Ubuntu 1-2 years
HTML5 4-5 years CSS3 3-4 years XML 1-2 years Bootstrap 1-2 years Ajax 1-2 years JSon 1-2 years Nginx 1-2 years REST 1-2 years RESTEasy 0-1 year SASS 0-1 year LESS 0-1 year Amazon Web Services 0-1 year
SQL 3-4 years MySQL 2-3 years NoSQL 1-2 years SQLite 1-2 years DB Architecture 1-2 years Oracle DB 0-1 year Data Warehouse 0-1 year
Git 1-2 years UML 1-2 years
C# 1-2 years ASP.Net 0-1 year WPF 0-1 year
Node.js 1-2 years JQuery 1-2 years Rest API 1-2 years Angular.js 0-1 year React.js 0-1 year
Agile 1-2 years Scrum 1-2 years Sprint 1-2 years Lean 1-2 years Waterfall 0-1 year
Laravel 2-3 years WordPress 1-2 years Magento 0-1 year Drupal 0-1 year Symfony 0-1 year CodeIgniter 0-1 year Joomla 0-1 year PrestaShop 0-1 year Open Cart 0-1 year yii2 0-1 year
Android 0-1 year IOS 0-1 year Unity3D 0-1 year
Adobe Photoshop 1-2 years Corel Draw 0-1 year Adobe Illustrator 0-1 year Axure 0-1 year UI Design 0-1 year UX Design 0-1 year
Sales of Consulting Services 1-2 years Sales of Retail IT Products 1-2 years Digital Communication 1-2 years SEO Marketing 0-1 year Sales of Storage IT Services 0-1 year Marketing & Management 0-1 year