lead/expert developer or cto

lead/expert developer or cto

Eksperts (+10 gadu pieredze)

Strādā | Vilnius, Lietuva
Būtiskākā pieredze: Ubuntu | SOAP | XML | NoSQL | Ajax | Scrum | Linux | JSon | MySQL | Debian | Red Hat | Agile | Git | Zend | JavaScript | JQuery | Nginx | DB Architecture | PHP | Subversion | OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) | REST | ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) | SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) | Performance Testing | Solution Architecture | Customer Facing | Support of Systems | SQL | Data Analysis | Requirements Gathering | HTML | Linux/Unix Admin | Security Architecture | Application Architecture | Applications Integration | Sprint | SOA | SQL | Data Modeling | Data Migration | Bash

Kvalifikācijas sfēra

Bankas un finanses, E-komercija, Tehnoloģiju jaunuzņēmums, Mazumtirdzniecība


Atrašanās vieta

Attālināti only

Pašreizējais statuss

Strādā (Atjaunināts: 8 years ago)

Sevis apraksts

Experienced software developer currently working in fintech sector.

Prasmju kopums

Ubuntu 5-6 years Linux 5-6 years Debian 5-6 years Red Hat 5-6 years Linux/Unix Admin 5-6 years Solaris 4-5 years Scripting 1-2 years
SOAP 5-6 years XML 5-6 years Ajax 5-6 years JSon 5-6 years Nginx 5-6 years REST 5-6 years HTML 5-6 years Bootstrap 4-5 years CSS3 4-5 years LESS 4-5 years Amazon Web Services 4-5 years HTML5 1-2 years DJango 0-1 year SASS 0-1 year
Scrum 5-6 years Agile 5-6 years OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) 5-6 years ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) 5-6 years SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) 5-6 years Sprint 5-6 years Lean 4-5 years CI (Continuous Integration) 3-4 years TDD (Test-Driven Development) 3-4 years Waterfall 2-3 years XP (Extreme Programming) 0-1 year
Solution Architecture 5-6 years Customer Facing 5-6 years Support of Systems 5-6 years Data Analysis 5-6 years Requirements Gathering 5-6 years Security Architecture 5-6 years Application Architecture 5-6 years Applications Integration 5-6 years SOA 5-6 years Data Modeling 5-6 years Data Migration 5-6 years Configuration Management 4-5 years IT Service Management 4-5 years Business Analysis 3-4 years Team Leading 2-3 years Infrastructure Architecture 2-3 years DevOps 2-3 years
Git 5-6 years Subversion 5-6 years NetBeans 4-5 years Jenkins 3-4 years IntelliJ IDEA 3-4 years CVS 2-3 years Ant 2-3 years Eclipse 2-3 years Jira 1-2 years CruiseControl 1-2 years LiquiBase 1-2 years Puppet 1-2 years Chef 1-2 years Memcached 0-1 year Grunt 0-1 year
NoSQL 5-6 years MySQL 5-6 years DB Architecture 5-6 years SQL 5-6 years Redis 4-5 years SQLite 2-3 years Mongo DB 2-3 years Progress DB 2-3 years Google Cloud 0-1 year Oracle PL/SQL 0-1 year HSQL 0-1 year DB2 0-1 year Oracle DB 0-1 year
Performance Testing 5-6 years Test Automation 4-5 years Regression Testing 4-5 years Selenium 2-3 years Cucumber 2-3 years Integration Test 2-3 years JMeter 1-2 years
Android 1-2 years GPS/GIS 1-2 years
JQuery 5-6 years Rest API 4-5 years Dojo 1-2 years Meteor.js 1-2 years Ext JS 1-2 years
JavaScript 5-6 years PHP 5-6 years SQL 5-6 years Bash 5-6 years Python 1-2 years Java 1-2 years Perl 0-1 year C++ 0-1 year C 0-1 year Google GO 0-1 year
Bigdata & Hadoop 3-4 years Amazon Web Services 3-4 years ElasticSearch 1-2 years Lucene 1-2 years Solr 1-2 years Jetty 0-1 year
Zend 5-6 years Symfony 4-5 years Twig 3-4 years CodeIgniter 1-2 years Drupal 0-1 year Magento 0-1 year WordPress 0-1 year Laravel 0-1 year Joomla 0-1 year Phalcon 0-1 year