Java Developer

Java Developer

Vidēja līmeņa (2-4 gadu pieredze)

Pieejams tagad | Kaunas, Lietuva
Būtiskākā pieredze: Kafka | Docker | Unit Testing | Integration Test | Mockito | Java EE | SQL | PostgreSQL | JUnit

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Pieejams tagad (Atjaunināts: 4 months ago)

Sevis apraksts

I am a Back-End Developer with experience in RESTful API microservice development and deployment utilizing Java, Spring Boot and Docker technologies. I am not afraid to apply my skills in wildly different fields, such as embedded development or hardware design, although I do wish to remain a software developer professionally.

Prasmju kopums

Kafka 3-4 years Java EE 3-4 years
Docker 3-4 years
Unit Testing 3-4 years Integration Test 3-4 years Mockito 3-4 years JUnit 3-4 years
SQL 3-4 years PostgreSQL 3-4 years