UI/UX designer

UI/UX designer

Patyręs (+5 metų patirtis)

Laisvas(-a) šiuo metu | Riga, Latvia
Didžiausia patirtis: Mobile UI | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Wireframing | Adobe Creative Suite | Interaction/Graphic Design | GUI-Design | UI Design | UX Design | Digital Design | Web Design | Branding | UI/UX

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Prekyba, Technologijų Startup, E-Komercija, IT Įmonė, Reklamos, Bankas ir Finansai



Tik Europos Sąjungoje

Darbinis statusas

Laisvas(-a) šiuo metu (Atnaujinta: Prieš 7 metus)

Apie Mane

I am graphic designer with almost five years of experience in web design. Working as freelance designer with agencies and startups around Europe. I also have founded my own company where I mostly work as a UI and UX web designer. I find inspiration in living life outside of a routine and constantly striving to progress beyond my current abilities. I am articulated and communicative enabling to work well with others.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Mobile UI 4-5 metai
Adobe Photoshop 4-5 metai Adobe Illustrator 4-5 metai Wireframing 4-5 metai Adobe Creative Suite 4-5 metai Interaction/Graphic Design 4-5 metai GUI-Design 4-5 metai UI Design 4-5 metai UX Design 4-5 metai Digital Design 4-5 metai Web Design 4-5 metai Branding 4-5 metai UI/UX 4-5 metai Sketch 3-4 metai