Python Developer

Python Developer

Vyresnysis (2-4 metų patirtis)

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Didžiausia patirtis: Autodesk 3D’s Max | System Architecture | SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) | CATIA | Oracle 11g | Adobe Indesign | 3D CAD Modelling/Design

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Bankas ir Finansai, E-Komercija, Gamyba, IT Įmonė, Telekomunikacijos



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Apie Mane

It's Hassan Naghibi, I have more than 7 years of professional experience as a Software Engineer and I have built various projects from start to completion in these years.

My important achievements in these years are:

- working with python like Django, Fastapi, and Django REST framework.

- working with asynchronous task queue platforms and brokers like Celery, Redis, and RabitMQ.

- working with Javascript like Node.js

Also, I'm so excited to work with AWS Lambda features like s3

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Autodesk 3D’s Max iki metų CATIA iki metų Adobe Indesign iki metų 3D CAD Modelling/Design iki metų
System Architecture iki metų
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) iki metų Oracle 11g iki metų