Project Manager

Project Manager

Jaunesnysis (1-2 metų patirtis)

Dirbu | Vilnius, Lietuva
Didžiausia patirtis: CI (Continuous Integration) | Lean | Risk Management | Documentation | KYC (Know Your Customer) | Risk Analysis | Analysis/Investigations

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Bankas ir Finansai



Tik Europos Sąjungoje

Darbinis statusas

Dirbu (Atnaujinta: Prieš 4 metus)

Apie Mane

As you may see from my CV, I have been working as a Project Manager for about 9 months (though, I was included in projects from 2014). That is a very small amount of time for experience to gather and for any random project. Still, I have managed to close 3 projects already and start implementing 1 new one. I controlled all project aspects during the whole realization life cycle. Besides that, I would say, that efficiency was not the only good thing there, as we were also concentrating a lot on quality and business benefits. The projects were very successful in being short-time-delivered, low-costs-requiring and revenue-bringing.


All three projects were very different: three HR processes implementation in JIRA, VAT Product overtaking from Finland and implementing in Latvia and Lithuania, and creation of new product for Sales, called Partnership Program. Thus you can understand, that during so little time I proved I can be flexible and multi-functional for being able to work with IT, business development and product management areas.


Besides my official work, on my free time, I am currently running an electronic shop. Therefore, I am very much into creating your own e-commerce business, since I am alone in doing everything from administrating the website, selecting, positioning and marketing the products, to communicating with clients. Product management, is not a new thing to me. More to that, outside the working hours, I am a restaurant-food blogger. I have my page, where I am periodically writing reviews on local food places.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Documentation 4-5 metai KYC (Know Your Customer) 4-5 metai Anti Money Laundry 3-4 metai CRM iki metų
Risk Management 4-5 metai Risk Analysis 4-5 metai Analysis/Investigations 4-5 metai Stakeholders Management 2-3 metai Customer Facing 2-3 metai Team Leading 2-3 metai QA management 2-3 metai Release & Budget Planning iki metų Business Analysis iki metų Requirements Gathering iki metų Business Process Management iki metų
CI (Continuous Integration) 4-5 metai Lean 4-5 metai Agile 1-2 metai Waterfall 1-2 metai Sprint iki metų
WordPress iki metų
Jira iki metų
Marketing & Management iki metų
Bankas ir Finansai 4-5 metai
Projektų Vadovas(-ė) iki metų Verslo Vystytojas(-a) iki metų