IT Project Manager

IT Project Manager

Ekspertas (+10 metų patirtis)

Dirbu | Vilnius, Lietuva

Patirtis Sektoriuje

Telekomunikacijos, Bankas ir Finansai, IT Įmonė, Technologijų Startup



Tik Europos Sąjungoje

Darbinis statusas

Dirbu (Atnaujinta: Prieš 7 metus)

Apie Mane

  • Creative thinking (open-minded to new ideas and concepts, able to provide a constructive feedback, turn customer needs to business opportunities)
  • Ownership and accountability (willing to take ownership and responsibility to implement tasks and achieve goals)
  • Result orientation (able to set clear goals ensuring they are achievable within a committed timeframe, prioritize activities based on the Company strategic goals, continuously look for operational efficiency)
  • Cross functional cooperation (able to adapt a personal style to build relationships with colleagues for “win-win” cooperation, share experience and information as well as challenge colleagues to achieve the best result, appreciate and recognize efforts as well as contribution made by the team members)
  • Change management (able to initiate and support changes seeing them as challenges not problems, flexible to adapt to a changing operational environment)
  • Strategic thinking (able to understand business and view it “globally”, encourage vision, translate strategic priorities into short term goals and actions)
  • Personal effectiveness (flexible to adjust, taking responsibility for continuous self-development, seeking for constructive feedback, identifying and implementing relevant improvements)
  • Operational excellence (able to create and use structures, systems and processes for effective goal achievement, prioritize tasks and actions to implement necessary changes in a timely manner, actively develop business opportunities by effective use of the company’s resources)

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Projektų Vadovas(-ė) 5-6 metai Programuotojas(-a) 5-6 metai
IT Įmonė 5-6 metai Aplikacijų kūrimas 3-4 metai Telekomunikacijos 3-4 metai Bankas ir Finansai 2-3 metai Gamyba 1-2 metai
Magistras IT srityje Gautas diplomas Bakalauras IT srityje Gautas diplomas Vidurinė mokykla Gautas diplomas
Lietuvių Gimtoji Anglų Proficient Business Level (C1/C2) Rusų Независимый Пользователь (B1/B2) Vokiečių Einfacher Benutzer (A1/A2)