Business Analyst

Business Analyst

Vyresnysis (2-4 metų patirtis)

Dirbu | Vilnius, Lietuva
Didžiausia patirtis: Business Analysis | Requirements Gathering | Stakeholders Management

Patirtis Sektoriuje




Tik Europos Sąjungoje

Darbinis statusas

Dirbu (Atnaujinta: Prieš 2 metus)

Apie Mane

Having more than 10 years of experience in the pharmaceutical business, I would like to apply my knowledge and skills to the position of a Business Analyst in IT. My domains are business, sales, marketing, healthcare, CRMs.

My current work is full-cycle creation of marketing campaigns using the method that is close to Agile:

•             The concepts of campaigns are based on the business needs, which I elicit when analyzing data, as well as by field observation and employee survey.

•             Next, I create a prototype, write requirements for campaign tools and pass them to design and digital agencies for development

•             These tools are developed iteratively. During the development process I add and change the requirements.

In addition, I cooperate with opinion leaders in the medical field and colleagues in Head quarter.


Before marketing, I managed a team in Sales Force department. The atmosphere in the group was shown by the fact that my division had the highest engagement index in the branch when evaluated by Gallup. So, I'm definitely a team player and I know how to maintain the right mood in the team.


To adapt my experience to IT I completed a course “Business analysis in IT”, where I received systematic knowledge and skills, developed and defended a course project.


I have a work permit in Lithuania. Please review my CV for additional details.


Thank you for your consideration.

Patirtis ir Įgūdžiai

Business Analysis 2-3 metai Requirements Gathering 2-3 metai Stakeholders Management 2-3 metai
Digital Communication iki metų
Anglų Independent User (B1/B2)